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How To Start a Business Of Plantain Chips In Nigeria

Nov 03, 2021 | Emily 137
The plantain chips business in Nigeria is very popular because of its abundant supply and certain consumer groups. On the streets of Nigeria, you will see a snack that most people like-plantain chips. Plantain chips are crispy, delicious and nutritious, and they are not very complicated to make. Many businessmen regard it as a profitable project. If you want to start a business like this, you need to consider different factors to help you, especially a new business.
plantain chips production
Plantain Chips Business In Nigeria

To start the plantain chip business in Nigeria, it is indispensable to do some preparations, such as understanding the market, making plans, etc., which will help us just carry out this task.
  • Enter the necessary market research. The purpose of market research is to help you understand the viable value of this business. For example, the current activities of competitors, the market of potential customers, and people's taste preference for plantain chips. With this process you will have a clearer plan.
  • Drafting plan: A detailed business plan will quickly help you to develop this business. Most companies will write a detailed plan when starting a new project, including site selection, fundraising to equipment procurement, Sales and so on.
  • Purchase suitable equipment. In the whole plantain chip production process, different machines are used, and different machines have different functions. Commonly used machines are: plantain slicer machine, plantain chips frying machine, plantain chips deoiling machine, plantain chips seasoning machine, plantain chips packaging machine and so on.
  • Confirmation of marketing methods. Many businesses are now doing very well in marketing. From the consumer's point of view, solve the consumer's needs, and then adopt the necessary marketing methods.

How To Make Plantain Chips In Nigeria
The production process of plantain chips is a complete process from raw materials to packaging of plantain chips.
  • Pick high-quality plantains
  • Plantain peeled (the skin of plantain is harder, you can use some tools)
  • Plantain slices (thickness of slices can be adjusted according to requirements)
  • Plantain chips deep-fried (put into the plantain chips frying machine for frying)
  • Plantain chips degreasing (removes greasy feeling)
  • Plantain Flavor (for different flavors)
  • Package of plantain (extended shelf life, convenient for sale)
 how to make plantain chips in nigeria
Finally, it is promising to develop the plantain chip business in Nigeria. All companies are similar. They must have a marketable product to take the first step towards success, so the production of plantain chips is the key. If you want to know more details about the plantain chips production line, you can leave me a message.